Count Rows Where Value Is 1 or 2 in R


This is an R notebook document. IT allows you to blend R code, notes and outputs with nice formatting and is a nice manner to record and present R analyses. You can make up one of these documents in newer versions of R studio by going to File > New File > R Notebook.

I'll use this notebook to provide worked answers to all of the exercises we did in the course.

Insertion to R

Exercise 1

  • Habituate R to calculate

  • 31 * 78

  • 697/41

These are just simple mathematical expressions entered on the console.

            31 * 78          
            ## [1] 2418          
            697 / 41          
            ## [1] 17          
  • Ascribe the value of 39 to x
  • Assign the value of 22 to y
  • Make z the note value of x-y
  • Display z in the console

Here we purpose the pointer symbols to earn the assignments. They seat point left or suited but they must point from the information towards the variable name in which you want to store them.

You bum retrieve the data stored in a varied past just entering the varible name.

            39 -> x y <- 22 x-y -> z z          
            ## [1] 17          
  • Compute the square settle of 2345 and do a log2 transformation on the result

Both of these operations require the exercise of functions. The ideal solution is to nest the two occasion calls together thus that the call to sqrt is inside the arguments to log2.

            ## [1] 5.597686          

Exercise 2

  • Create a vector titled vec1 containing the number 2 5 8 12 16

There is no mathematical relationship 'tween these numbers game so we need to manually create the vector victimisation the 'c' function.

            c(2,5,8,12,16) -> vec1          
  • Use x:y notation to make a endorsement transmitter named vec2 containing the numbers 5 to 9

Because this is a series we can take a shortcut to make it using the language shortcut which makes integer series between two values.

            5:9 -> vec2          
  • Subtract vec2 from vec1 and deal the result
            vec1 - vec2          
            ## [1] -3 -1  1  4  7          

Because we have the same list of values in both vec1 and vec2 the combining weight positions will be paired up and we will understand the subtraction results from the same positions, ie 2-5, 5-6, 8-7 etc.

  • Use seq() to make a vector of 100 values start at 2 and maximizing by 3 each time.

We need to ply the from, away and length.out parameters to seq to create this serial. A we'Ra using this in the close exercise we will save it into a new variable.

            seq(from=2,by=3,length.out=100) -> identification number.series  number.series          
            ##   [1]   2   5   8  11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38  41  44  47  50 ##  [18]  53  56  59  62  65  68  71  74  77  80  83  86  89  92  95  98 101 ##  [35] 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 ##  [52] 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 ##  [69] 206 209 212 215 218 221 224 227 230 233 236 239 242 245 248 251 254 ##  [86] 257 260 263 266 269 272 275 278 281 284 287 290 293 296 299          
  • Extract the values at positions 5,10,15 and 20 in the vector of values you just created.
  • Excerpt the values at positions 10 to 30

Both of these require making a selection in the vector using the [ ] note. Inside the square brackets you put a vector of indicator positions, so the problem here is to create the vector of index positions.

The first 1 is limited enough that you could make it manually with c() Oregon A it's a series you could use seq() to make it. It doesn't matter which.

The second one is an integer serial publication so we can use the 10:30 notation to establish this quick.

            ## [1] 14 29 44 59          
            ## [1] 14 29 44 59          
            ##  [1] 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 89          

Exercise 3

  • Enter a list of colours (supplied in the inquiry) into a vector called mouse.colour

We will exercise the c() function to manually make this vector. Because the data we are entering is schoolbook we need to surround each name with quotes so that R doesn't try to treat it equally a varied name.

            c("chromatic","red","yellow","brown") -> mouse.colourise          
  • Display the back element in the vector.

This is a simple selection with a single index put over.

            ## [1] "blood-red"          

Enter some numerical weight data (supplied in the question) into a transmitter named mouse.weight

            c(23,21,18,26) -> mouse.weighting          
  • Join the deuce vectors into a data frame called containing 2 columns and 4 rows. Call the first column colour and the second united burden.

We will utilize the data.frame() function to exercise this. We don't need to delimitate the number of rows / columns as these are defined past the data we use to create the data frame. The number of columns is the number of vectors we provide and the number of rows is the keep down of information points in each of those vectors.

If we pass the vectors to the data.frame() function As key out=transmitter pairs then we can set the names for the columns when we create the data frame.

Remember that data.form() will not save the result - you still need to manipulation an arrow at the end to give it a cite. You will see that the notebook formats the data frame we get as a courteous looking table.

            information.cast(colour=mouse.colorize, weight=black eye.weight) -> black          
            ##   tinge weight ## 1 purple     23 ## 2    red     21 ## 3 old     18 ## 4  brown     26          
  • Display clean row 3
  • Reveal retributory chromatography column 1
  • Display words 4 column 1

All of these utilise 2 dimensional selections on the data shape. You again use the [ ] note but this time you need to pass two vectors, the first for the rows and the second for the columns.

When we are onanism a single column we can also use the [[ ]] notation, or ideally use dataframe$pillar notation as we have a named tower.

            ##   people of colour weight ## 3 yellow     18          
            ## [1] purple red    dishonourable brown  ## Levels: brown rhetorical bolshy yellow          
            ## [1] purple red    yellow brown  ## Levels: John Brown purple ruby unhealthy          
            ## [1] purple red    chicken brown  ## Levels: John Brown purpurate red yellow          
            ## [1] brown ## Levels: brown empurple red yellow          

The rationality you see to it the text saying "Levels:…" after each line is because R converts character vectors to element vectors when you produce a data frame. A factor vector stores wholly of the different values it can salt away as a separate place, and this is what is shown in the levels value.

Exercise 4

  • put away your functioning directory to where your data is stored

We could do this through the R studio port using Session -> Set Working Directory -> Select directory but in this script I will have to call setwd() direct. Because of the way notebooks work I'll have to Re-do this in every section which loads data.

            setwd("O:/Training/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files")          
  • Read the file "small_file.txt" into a new structure

This is a lozenge circumscribed file and then we toilet use read.delim for this.

            setwd("O:/Education/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files") scan.delim("small_file.txt") -> small.file small.charge          
            ##    Sample Distance Class ## 1     x_1     45        A ## 2     x_2     82        B ## 3     x_3     81        C ## 4     x_4     56        D ## 5     x_5     96        A ## 6     x_6     85        B ## 7     x_7     65        C ## 8     x_8     96        D ## 9     x_9     60        A ## 10   x_10     62        B ## 11   x_11     80        C ## 12   x_12     63        D ## 13   x_13     50        A ## 14    y_1     64        B ## 15    y_2     43        C ## 16    y_3     98        D ## 17    y_4     78        A ## 18    y_5     53        B ## 19    y_6    100        C ## 20    y_7     79        D ## 21    y_8     84        A ## 22    y_9     68        B ## 23   y_10     99        C ## 24   y_11     65        D ## 25   y_12     55        A ## 26   y_13     98        B ## 27    z_1     56        C ## 28    z_2     83        D ## 29    z_3     81        A ## 30    z_4     69        B ## 31    z_5     50        C ## 32    z_6     72        D ## 33    z_7     54        A ## 34    z_8     56        B ## 35    z_9     87        C ## 36   z_10     84        D ## 37   z_11     80        A ## 38   z_12     68        B ## 39   z_13     95        C ## 40   z_14     93        D          
  • Read the single file "Child_Variants.csv" into a new data structure.
            setwd("O:/Grooming/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files") read.csv("Child_Variants.csv") -> child.variants head(child.variants)          
            ##   CHR    POS      dbSNP REF ALT QUAL FILTER   GENE                  HGVS ## 1   1  69270          .   A   G   16   PASS  OR4F5         c.180A>G(p.=) ## 2   1  69511 rs75062661   A   G  200   PASS  OR4F5  c.421A>G_p.Thr141Ala ## 3   1  69761          .   A   T  200   PASS  OR4F5  c.671A>T_p.Asp224Val ## 4   1  69897 rs75758884   T   C   59   PASS  OR4F5         c.807T>C(p.=) ## 5   1 877831  rs6672356   T   C  200   PASS SAMD11 c.1027T>C_p.Trp343Arg ## 6   1 881627  rs2272757   G   A  200   PASS  NOC2L        c.1843C>T(p.=) ##    EXON            ENST MutantReads COVERAGE MutantReadPercent CLASS PTV ## 1   1/1 ENST00000335137           3        4                75    Scandium   0 ## 2   1/1 ENST00000335137          24       27                88   NSC   0 ## 3   1/1 ENST00000335137           8        8               100   National Security Council   0 ## 4   1/1 ENST00000335137           3        3               100    South Carolina   0 ## 5 10/14 ENST00000342066          10       11                90   NSC   0 ## 6 16/19 ENST00000327044          52       56                92    SC   0 ##   Sampling  FAMILY ## 1 D88849 COG0215 ## 2 D88849 COG0215 ## 3 D88849 COG0215 ## 4 D88849 COG0215 ## 5 D88849 COG0215 ## 6 D88849 COG0215          
  • Display row 11

This is a simple selection. Becuase it's a quarrel we're selecting there is no crosscut so we require to specify both rows and columns (even though the column selection is blank)

            ##    CHR    POS      dbSNP REF AL QUAL FILTER  GENE       HGVS Coding DNA ## 11   1 889159 rs13302945   A   C  200   PASS NOC2L c.888+3T>G    . ##               ENST MutantReads COVERAGE MutantReadPercent CLASS PTV SAMPLE ## 11 ENST00000327044          26       29                89    SS   0 D88849 ##     FAMILY ## 11 COG0215          
  • Calculate the mean of the column named MutantReadPercent.

Entertain this in two steps. Basic we require to get ahead at the data in that pillar. We give notice exercise that using $ as we know the make of the column. And then we can surpass that into the mean function.

            ## [1] 59.88219          

Exercise 5

  • Find out how many rows in small_file have a length which is < 65.

For all filtering intend of the problem in a structured way.

  1. Elicit the vector of values you want to dribble against (in this case small_file$Distance)
  2. Apply the logical try out (in this case < 65)
  3. Either use the logical vector produced to filter the information using a selction, or use sum() to get the depend of the hits.
            small.single file$Length          
            ##  [1]  45  82  81  56  96  85  65  96  60  62  80  63  50  64  43  98  78 ## [18]  53 100  79  84  68  99  65  55  98  56  83  81  69  50  72  54  56 ## [35]  87  84  80  68  95  93          
            small.file$Length < 65          
            ##  [1]  Literal FALSE Simulated  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE Sham ## [12]  TRUE  Apodeictic  TRUE  TRUE FALSE Delusive  TRUE FALSE Traitorously FALSE FALSE ## [23] FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE  TRUE FALSE Insincere FALSE  TRUE Put on  TRUE ## [34]  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE          
            sum(small.file$Length < 65)          
            ## [1] 14          
  • Create a filtered variant of the child.variants data which includes only rows where MutantReadPercent >= 70.

This is the same 3 footprint problem.

  1. Extract the MutantReadPercent pillar using the $ notation
  2. Do the synthetic test on this vector (>=70)
  3. Use this dianoetic transmitter to define which rows to keep in a standard 2 dimension selection happening the innovational information frame.

To hold the outturn from the first two commands a sensible length I'm leaving to put them inside a call to the head() subprogram. I'm increasing the number of values shown from the default option (which is only 6) soh you begin a better feeling for what the data looks care.

            maneuver(shaver.variants$MutantReadPercent, n=100)          
            ##   [1]  75  88 100 100  90  92  97  95  80  89  89  81  33  90 100  90 100 ##  [18] 100 100  89  82 100  90 100 100  92  93  90  85  93  94  57  31  90 ##  [35]  34  51  39  44  42  56  90  26  28  93  93  95  89  77 100  54  37 ##  [52]  50  38  30  42  76  47  42  27  50  45  22  35  36  38  45  34  47 ##  [69]  54  59  28  91  22  66  57 100  35  34  46 100  26  60 100  44  33 ##  [86]  82  25  21  83 100  85  36  84  75  52  94  88  78  83  86          
            headspring(tiddler.variants$MutantReadPercent >= 70, n=100)          
            ##   [1]  TRUE  Honorable  TRUE  TRUE  Rightful  TRUE  TRUE  Geographical  TRUE  TRUE  TRUE ##  [12]  TRUE Off-key  Lawful  TRUE  TRUE  Honest  TRUE  Even  TRUE  TRUE  Trustworthy ##  [23]  Harmonious  TRUE  Echt  TRUE  TRUE  Honest  TRUE  Reliable  TRUE FALSE FALSE ##  [34]  TRUE FALSE Sour FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE  Confessedly ##  [45]  TRUE  TRUE  Geographic  TRUE  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ##  [56]  Dependable FALSE Specious FALSE FALSE FALSE Mistaken FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ##  [67] FALSE Insincere Pretended FALSE FALSE  TRUE Trumped-up Fictitious FALSE  Genuine Mistaken ##  [78] FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE ##  [89]  TRUE  TRUE  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  Sure FALSE  Truthful  TRUE  Faithful  TRUE ## [100]  Trustworthy          
            kid.variants[child.variants$MutantReadPercent >= 70,] -> child.variants.filtered  nrow(child.variants)          
            ## [1] 25822          
            ## [1] 9976          
  • From the filtered data frame we require to experience the relative frequency with which G, A, T and C bases were mutated.

This filtration is going to use the REF column in the baby.variants.filtered dataset. We'Re going away to need to do an equality (==) test to compare this to G, A, T and C. In that instance we only care nearly how many of the values are true so we can use of goods and services a essence() on the logical vector to get that value.

We can start with G.

            head(tyke.variants.filtered$REF, n=100)          
            ##   [1] A A A T T G A T T G A G G A C G T T A A C T A T G A G T T C A A C C G ##  [36] T T G T C A C T C T A T G T T A C T G T C T T C A C T T T G A A A C C ##  [71] C C G A G C A A T G T C A C T T T G C G G C G C C G A T A G ## 268 Levels: A AAAAAC AAAAT AAAATAAATAAATAAATAAATAAAT AAAG ... TTTTTTTGTC          
            head(tike.variants.filtered$REF == "G", n=100)          
            ##   [1] FALSE FALSE Imitative FALSE FALSE  Genuine Traitorously Wrong Incorrect  Honest FALSE ##  [12]  Accurate  TRUE Artificial FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE Unrealistic FALSE FALSE FALSE ##  [23] FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE  TRUE Delusive FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ##  [34] FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE Untrue FALSE Spurious FALSE FALSE ##  [45] FALSE Simulated FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE Mistaken FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE ##  [56] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Traitorously Hollow FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE ##  [67] FALSE Pretended FALSE Treasonably FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE  TRUE FALSE Spurious ##  [78] FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Unharmonious FALSE FALSE  TRUE ##  [89] Treasonably  TRUE  TRUE FALSE  Truthful Inconstant FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE ## [100]  TRUE          
            sum(child.variants.filtered$REF == "G")          
            ## [1] 2347          

We can today duplicate this with A, T and C. We sack besides hive away the values in a vector by putt the code inside the c() social occasion. We'll also name the slots in the vector with the letter they present.

            c(   sum(child.variants.filtered$REF == "G"),   sum(child.variants.filtered$REF == "A"),   core(child.variants.filtered$REF == "T"),   sum(minor.variants.filtered$REF == "C") ) -> mutation.counts  names(mutation.counts) <- c('G','A','T','C')  mutation.counts          
            ##    G    A    T    C  ## 2347 2584 2616 2288          

In the advanced course we will show you how you could have achieved this use in a single mathematical operation rather than victimisation multiple filters by using the tapply routine.

Practice session 6

  • In the original child variants dataset draw a histogram of the MutantReadPercent column, try increasing the keep down of categories (breaks) to 50.

For this we pass the vector of MutantReadPercent values to the hist() function, which draws histograms.


  • Plot of ground a boxplot of the MutantReadPercent values from some the original child variants and the same newspaper column from the filtered dataset you made in Drill 5 (MutantReadPercent>=70). Check that the distributions await contrastive.

The boxplot function put up take multiple vectors as input sol we derriere just pass the two vectors separtately. If we do this all the same the datasets will not be named (since the serve doesn't know what they are called). To fix this we would have to either explicitly set the names victimisation the 'names=' parameter to the function. Alternatively we could put the two vectors into a list which would allow us to set the slot names for the list, and these will be picked up by boxplot mechanically. Here we'll do it both shipway so you can regard the options for how to brawl this.

            boxplot(child.variants$MutantReadPercent, shaver.variants.filtered$MutantReadPercent, name calling=c("Original","Filtered"))          

            boxplot(   list(     Freehanded=child.variants$MutantReadPercent,      Filtered=minor.variants.filtered$MutantReadPercent     )   )          

  • Plot the results of the vector created in Exercise 5 ('mutation.counts') as a barplot. Use the names.arg function to show which mutation is which and use the rainbow() function to give the bars different colours

In our case, because we put one-armed bandit names onto our mutation.counts vector we don't need to habit names.arg as barplot will use the slot name calling by default. We'll change the names late to show how you would do this in any event.

The rainbow() function of necessity to have sex how many colours to generate. We could antimonopoly hard-code this since we know at that place are 4 values, but it's generally nicer to calculate the value we need from the information. That way if we later want to change the number of mutatations we counted the code will silent work.

            barplot(mutation.counts, col=rainbow(length(mutation.counts)))          

If we did wishing to explicitly set the names then we could do that.

            barplot(   mutation.counts,    gap=rainbow(length(chromosomal mutation.counts)),    names.arg=c("Guanine","Adenine","Thymine","Cytosine")   )          

Exercise 7

  • Read in the file'neutrophils.csv'. This is a comma-finite file so use understand.csv().
            setwd("O:/Training/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files") read.csv("neutrophils.csv") -> neutrophils  nou(neutrophils)          
            ##        DMSO   TGX.221    PI103     Akt1 ## 1 144.43930  99.61073 41.95241 111.8013 ## 2 135.71670 115.35760 57.46430 124.1805 ## 3  57.88828 106.44840 41.01954 126.7738 ## 4  66.71269 115.89830 63.12587 130.9577 ## 5  73.36981  75.96729       NA  88.6273 ## 6  83.43180        NA       NA 147.8813          
  • Make over a boxplot of the 4 samples and put a suitable title on the plot.

Since our information set up contains only the data we want to plat, and boxplot can take a list (which a data skeletal frame is) as input, we Calif. just slip away the whole thing to the boxplot function.

            boxplot(neutrophils, main="Range of values for different samples")          

  • Use the colMeans() routine to calculate the mean of each dataset. Plot the means American Samoa a barplot

If we try this along the data atomic number 3 IT stands then we North Korean won't get the resolve we wish, since there are missing (Sodium) values in our dataset.

            ##     DMSO  TGX.221    PI103     Akt1  ## 100.8013       NA       NA       NA          

To buzz off colMeans to ignore the NA values when calculating the mean we can pass the na.rm=TRUE choice.

            colMeans(neutrophils, na.rm = Sincere) -> mean.values  intend.values          
            ##      DMSO   TGX.221     PI103      Akt1  ## 100.80126 102.65646  50.89053 103.91649          

Finally we can plot these.


  • Read in the 'brain_bodyweight.txt' file. The number 1 column contains species names, non data, soh use calling=1 to set these up correctly for your data frame.

This is a tab-delimited school tex file, so we're using study.delim to learn this in. In accession to the row.names parameter I'm also going to set break.names=FALSE indeed R doesn't modify the column names (to move out spaces).

            setwd("O:/Training/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files") read.delim("brain_bodyweight.txt", row.names=1, calling = FALSE) -> brain.bodyweight  heading(brain.bodyweight)          
            ##                 Physical structure angle (kg) Brain weight (g) ## Cow                       465.00            423.0 ## Grey Wildcat                  36.33            119.5 ## Goat                       27.66            115.0 ## Guinea Raven                  1.04              5.5 ## Diplodocus              11700.00             50.0 ## Asian Elephant           2547.00           4603.0          

You can see that the species name calling have been correctly set every bit row name calling and that the column names are in tact.

  • Log transform the information (base2)

Since all of the data entrap is information we can buoy simply pass the whole construction to the log2 function. Since we're non expiration to use the untransformed information again we'll overwrite the original data frame.

            log2(brain.bodyweight) -> brain.bodyweight  head(brain.bodyweight)          
            ##                 Body exercising weight (kg) Brain weight unit (g) ## Overawe                   8.86108691         8.724514 ## Grey-haired Wolf             5.18308946         6.900867 ## Goat                  4.78972925         6.845490 ## Case            0.05658353         2.459432 ## Diplodocus           13.51422091         5.643856 ## Asian Elephant       11.31458324        12.168359          
  • Make a scatterplot with default parameters with the log transformed data.

We make over a scatterplot with the plot() affair. We need to bye the cardinal vectors as the x and y values. Since they are in the correct order in our data frame we nates, in this case, sensible pass the whole dataframe. This also has the advantage of setting the correct labels for the axes as they will be taken from the column names.


  • Create the like scatterplot only experiment with some parameters.
            game(   brain.bodyweight,   pch=19,   gap="scarlet",   cex=1.5,   main="Brainweight vs Bodyweight",   xlab="Bodyweight (log2 kg)",   ylab="Brainweight (log2 kilo)"   )          

  • Translate in the file chr_data.txt
            setwd("O:/Training/Introduction to R/R_intro_data_files") read.delim("chr_data.txt") ->  head(          
            ##   chr position GM06990_ABL1 GM06990_MLLT3 ## 1   8        1  -0.04661052    -0.1816292 ## 2   8   100001   0.25605089     0.4625507 ## 3   8   200001   0.25605089    -0.1816292 ## 4   8   300001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 5   8   400001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 6   8   500001   0.86137348    -0.5037192          
  • Remove the first column

This will involve a selection for the columns we want to keep, then overwriting the original data with the selected subset. We could plainly manage a survival of the fittest for columns 2,3 and 4.

            ##   position GM06990_ABL1 GM06990_MLLT3 ## 1        1  -0.04661052    -0.1816292 ## 2   100001   0.25605089     0.4625507 ## 3   200001   0.25605089    -0.1816292 ## 4   300001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 5   400001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 6   500001   0.86137348    -0.5037192          

We also likewise use a little trick, which is that if you usance negative values for the index positions, you lav say which positions you don't want, instead of which ones you set want.

            chr.information[,-1] -> point(chr.information)          
            ##   view GM06990_ABL1 GM06990_MLLT3 ## 1        1  -0.04661052    -0.1816292 ## 2   100001   0.25605089     0.4625507 ## 3   200001   0.25605089    -0.1816292 ## 4   300001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 5   400001   0.86137348    -0.5037192 ## 6   500001   0.86137348    -0.5037192          
  • Draw a line graph of the position against the ABL1 dataset

For this we can use the plat() function with type="l" (thats a the letter l rather than the number 1).

            plot of ground($position,$GM06990_ABL1,   type="l",   col="blue",   xlab="Chromosome Emplacement (bp)",   ylab="z-score",   main="Z scores vs Genomic Position",   lwd=2   )  caption(   "topright",   "ABL1",   fill="blue" )          

Count Rows Where Value Is 1 or 2 in R


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