Forgot Beatsx on Device but Cant Find Again

You can't remove your bluetooth device from the Bluetooth settings carte du jour. And when y'all try to remove it, it says "Remove failed". That can exist frustrating. How to fix this bluetooth tin can't remove problem? Not to worry. You can use one of the methods below to fix it.

There are four methods available below to set up the problem. You can try them one by 1 until you discover the ane that works for y'all.

Method 1: Remove the bluetooth device nether Airplane Manner
Method 2: Remove the bluetooth device from Control Panel
Method 3: Uninstall the bluetooth device from Device Manager
Method iv: Apply Registry Editor to remove the bluetooth device

Method 1: Remove the bluetooth device under Plane Mode

If you're using a laptop, to fix the trouble, you can endeavour to turn on Airplane Fashion, then remove the bluetooth device again.

While Airplane mode is on, Windows 10 will disable some services like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. In this example, removing the bluetooth device may work.

Hither's how to turn on Plane Mode in Windows 10:

one) On your keyboard, press Win+I (the Windows logo cardinal and the I key) at the same fourth dimension to open up the Windows Settings window.

2) At the Windows Settings window, select Network and Internet.

open network internet

3) In the left pane, select Aeroplane Manner. Then, in the right pane, get thursdaye Airplane Mode section, then click the button to plow on Airplane Manner.

Method 2: Remove the bluetooth device from Control Panel

Since you tin can't remove the bluetooth device from the Bluetooth settings menu, y'all can try removing information technology from the Control Panel instead. To practice so:

one) On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo primal and the R key) at the aforementioned time to invoke the Run box.

ii) Type "control panel" into the Run box and click OK to open up the Control Console window.

open control panel

three) View by Category. Under Hardware and Audio, click on View devices and printers.

open view devices and printers

4) Right-click on the bluetooth device you wish to remove, and select Remove device.

remove bluetooth device from devices and printers

If you can't remove the device in this style, continue to try Method 3.

Method 3: Uninstall the bluetooth device from Device Manager

Y'all can try to uninstall the bluetooth device from Device Manager. Here's how to do it:

1) On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo key and the R key) at the same time to invoke the Run box.

2) Type "devmgmt.msc" into the Run box and click OK to open the Device Manager window.

open device manager

3) Aggrandize the Bluetooth category, then right-click on the Bluetooth device you wish to uninstall, so select Uninstall device.

uninstall bluetooth device

If you don't encounter the bluetooth device under the Bluetooth category, it'due south possible the device is subconscious. In this case, you lot demand to get in evidence up manually and then y'all can uninstall it.

To testify the hidden bluetooth device, just click View at the top and so select Prove hidden devices.

show hidden device

4) When a window pops up to inquire you to confirm the uninstallation, tick the box adjacent to "Delete the driver software for this device", and then click Uninstall to uninstall the device.

confirm to delete the bluetooth device

5) Reboot your figurer then you may run into the bluetooth device removed. If it'south however not removed, reboot your estimator once again.

Method 4: Use Registry Editor to remove the bluetooth device

If none of the above methods works, the concluding method you can try is to use the Registry Editor.

In Windows 10, afterward you lot pair a bluetooth device with your PC, the device will be stored in the Registry Editor. So you tin delete the bluetooth device using the Registry Editor.

Annotation: Modifying the registry incorrectly can crusade serious arrangement issues. So make sure y'all know what you're doing and follow the steps below carefully. If y'all're not sure about it, just leave it alone.

[Recommended] Before you caput to modify the registry, information technology's recommended you dorsum up the registry, so you tin can restore the registry in case any issues occur. To back upwards the registry, you can refer to the steps in the article How to Back up Windows Registry .

When you're set up, follow these steps to delete the registry key that represents the bluetooth device.

ane) On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo primal and the R central) at the same fourth dimension to invoke the Run box.

2) Type "regedit" into the Run box and click OK to open the Registry Editor.

open registry editor

3) Navigate to:


iv) In the right pane, you lot can see i to several 12-digit registry keys. Each key represents a specific device. You can tell what the specific device is from the "Name" value.

5) Right-click on the registry primal that represents the bluetooth device y'all wish to remove, then select Delete.

delete bluetooth device from registry editor

6) Reboot your computer and then bank check if you can remove the bluetooth device successfully.

Hopefully you find this article helpful. If you lot accept whatever questions, feel free to drop a comment below. I'll get back to you ASAP.


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