Recycled Computer Art Examples Flower Made of Computer Parts

What a Concept Artist Does and Types of Concept Art Today

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Earlier getting serious with digital art, information technology's important to become to know about its types.

It appears that more than types of digital art proceed coming in as the years scroll by. Of course, we cannot say that information technology is entirely unexpected when technology, too, keeps developing every year.

While there are many different types of digital art out there, we accept decided to include 15 of the nearly pop types right now because information technology is possible that yous have heard most of them before, hence, making it easier for you to understand them amend when going through this guide.

What y'all can await today is a thorough definition as well as the purpose of each blazon of digital art. Along with that, we will as well venture a little flake into the methods and attempt to simplify every i of them.

So, if you're new to digital art, you've come to the right place. Now, hang tight and enjoy!

Types of Digital Art


  • Types of Digital Art
    • Fractal/Algorithmic Art
    • Data-Moshing
    • Dynamic Painting
    • 2d Calculator Graphics
    • 3D Computer Graphics
    • Pixel Fine art
    • Digital Photography
    • Photograph-painting
    • Digital Collage
    • 2d Digital Painting
    • 3D Digital Painting
    • Manual Vector Drawing
    • Integrated Fine art / Mixed Media and Hybrid Painting
    • Raster Painting
    • Computer-Generated Painting
      • Determination

The digital art of dongbiao lu 10

  1. Fractal/Algorithmic Art

Fractal Art is a grade of digital fine art including the use of mathematics. This process of deriving fine art through mathematics is also termed every bit algorithmic art. There is a specific blazon of beauty involved in the culmination of this art class which is considered as a office of computer art and digital art, being a part of the greater family of new media art.

New media fine art, although a metaphor for signifying the interruption of modernity into the presentation of art, is born from the pure fine art forms generated from the ancient periods. The factor of modernity changed it into digital art with the advent of technology.


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Fractal art is an amalgamation of generative art and figurer art, which give eminence to a new form of abstract art in which a new kind of software supporting the calculation of the fractal structures is adopted.

These structures are calculated mathematically to produce fractal images, videos, and fine art. It requires a specific set of skills to profess this art with an apt for digital mathematics and a flair for handling software data.

Fractal fine art could not take been developed with hand, but only with the use of computers can, the mathematics be solved professionally to produce the desired images.

It includes the use of iterative methods to solving non-linear and polynomial equations of fractal structures, thereby producing the results into images and visuals.

  1. Data-Moshing

Information-moshing can be termed equally a process whereby media files can be manipulated to produce the desired visual effects or images when the file is decoded.

The status of the decoded file allows the entry of snippets from other media files and editing of the existing ones. This data-moshing procedure is most common in videos rather than images.

This is because the decoded video files take more telescopic to be manipulated than images that practise non take too much space.

Modern video files take a circuitous method of non crossing the storage space. This is done past non downloading the entire prototype on the device, but simply snippets of the epitome is downloaded.

Hotline bling

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The frames which store the unabridged film are called the I-frames where the median file can exist represented without any boosted information or information. The other frames where simply a part of the image tin can be saved are the P-frames and B-frames.

The P and B-frames simply incorporate the difference of the information gathered from the previous incomplete file and the remainder of the side by side file, instead of storing the entire image. The P-frame and B-frame is used to manipulate media files which are encoded.

The videos that we encounter on a daily basis on television, YouTube, or whatsoever other movies that you watch, all have elements of data-moshing incorporated in them to make them more attractive to visuality and artistic perception.

This is produced as an affiliation of the P-frames and B-frames. Usually, this kind of manipulation produces a repetition of the images resulting in a defect in the video. This is where the images must be improved to put them on display.

  1. Dynamic Painting

Dynamic painting is considered as the almost modern and advanced grade of digital art. Historically, the denotation of art was assumed to exist created by the hands of human himself and art was supposed to remain in that terrain.

However, modernity and Industrial Revolution gave birth to technology and the adoption of new methods of turning physical labor into mental labor, where the work of the transmission laborers was demolished and was instead replaced by the apply of specialized skills to operate these machines produced by backer giants.

Dynamic painting developed as a form of digital art, where the art or flick was painted by an democratic system, namely a calculator, where there was minimal physical labor used to complete the piece of work.

Stay young stay dynamic dan bunea

Prototype via

Notwithstanding, perchance a glimpse or the supervision of an creative listen was required to consummate the painting procedure. Nonetheless, most of the digital painting is done without the supervision of a mastermind.

The modern machines attempt at making the realm of digital paintings more independent and immune to control, and then in a few years, you will not demand humans to control the work, but just the machines doing the service themselves.

The different types of dynamic paintings include music, visual arts, software art, compages, and literature. Music and art have always complemented each other.

Most of the iconic musicians and artists collaborate and weave an entirely celebrated slice of art which is persistent throughout generations. Digital painting transforms this music and fine art into a musical digital painting, which is more professional person equally it is creative.

The area of visual arts, software art, architecture as well as literature is used every bit a canvas to paint their digital stories in. The employ of these unlike genres only increases the scope of inventiveness besides as employment.

  1. 2D Computer Graphics

Traditional paintings and drawings had a item charm about them for sure, because of their authenticity and the hard work put behind them to turn them into masterpieces.

This fine art was well appreciated, until the advent of technology and the utilise of computers which demanded that fine art exist transformed into digitally specific claims which could be practical to the modern world of entertainment and media.

second computer graphics are derived from 2nd dimensional models similar texts and digital images. Information technology works on transforming the traditional forms of fine art into digital art which tin can be used in projects and animation for the media and entertainment industry. second graphics are generally derived on traditional graphics like typography, cartography, technical drawing and advertizing.

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All these domains are extremely beneficial for promotions or for running a business and 2nd graphics play a major role in securing the fate of the visitor through its skills and expertise.

2D graphics are extremely beneficial for businesses or any other franchise because information technology can be converted to any expanse of output and tin be utilized to fit many aspects of the digital market place instead of merely one.

For this reason, important documents and accessories are always saved on the device in the form of 2d graphic designs, for its flexibility and multiple usability. 2D graphics has recently taken the internet by storm because of its usefulness in every aspect of digital art which is utilized for whatever business concern or bookish purposes.

  1. 3D Estimator Graphics

You must have come up across this term several times while watching videos, movies or learning a concept that involves animation. The 3D computer graphics is a modern concept which has come in with technological advocacy and the development of the computer sciences and is a modified version of the 2nd reckoner graphics.

The 3D computer graphics has the task of representing the three-dimensional aspect of geometric data which is constitute in about every model or structure. The 3-dimensional computer graphics calculates these geometric data and stores it in the device for future reference.


The 3D computer graphics are also used to render 2D images to provide information technology with a improve representative quality. There is not much divergence in the processes involving the second and 3D graphics when information technology comes to the programs and software that these 2 forms imbibe to produce the calculations.

Another important attribute of 3D models is that the model aspect is only divers by the mathematical representation of the structure. A 3D model only becomes graphic in one case it is displayed.

  1. Pixel Fine art

This type of digital art is mainly associated with videos and images which are used for movies, games, or artful ventures.

There is a specific software where the pixel fine art tin can be produced, and information technology supports the 8-bit and xvi-bit computers, including some graphic calculators and video game consoles. Pixel art is a pure form of artful used in the elaboration of video games and other animated videos where it produces the desired effect which is incomplete in the instance of other forms of digital art.


The thought of pixel fine art eminently emerged with the idea of modernizing of video games. This means that the aesthetic level of the video games created must match with the societal standards and expectations on these games.

This form of visual ecstasy can only exist achieved with the adoption of pixel art every bit a class of digital art to infiltrate movements in the characters of the video games. What you lot see on the screen or play with is an intersection of several software programs to produce the desired art.

In case the video games or images demand to be modified, or new effects need to be produced, the process of spriting is taken over. Spriting is specifically a term used to denote the editing and specialization of the already existing pixel fine art that you lot accept produced.

  1. Digital Photography

This term was invented with the discovery of computers, which introduced the use of digital cameras to produce the perfect shot which other cameras could non achieve.

Prior to the advent of digital cameras was the era of photographic films stuffed into camera rolls which after beingness clicked, took a long time to be developed. Even later being adult, these pictures weren't as professional as expected.


However, with the introduction of the digital camera and the advocacy of technology, the concept of digital camera was born. This modification is a boon to photography and soon took a flight during the 1990s.

These digital cameras used electrical photoreceptors which were embedded in the photographic camera itself and helped produce the perfect shit. Following this, photography was made attainable to almost all individuals because it was introduced on the cellphone which either had to be a smartphone or an android phone.

However, the sanctity and the perfect shot which could exist produced by digital cameras were non nowadays in cell phones. So, professional photographers who are in business ordinarily invest in DSLRs considering of its features and clarity.

  1. Photograph-painting

This form of digital art was invented with the use of computers where editing and photoshopping came into the picture. Photo-painting is done in succession to digital photography. Afterward clicking the perfect picture and viewing information technology on the reckoner, there are a bunch of professionals who are equipped to handle the editing part specifically.

The photo painting is not a transmission process. Rather, the digital picture show is painted on the estimator itself with some tools downloaded from certain software and apps.

Photo-painting is a very crucial editing skill which should be undertaken by every lensman. The visitor which hires a professional editor who is well versed with photograph painting is amend equipped to send out pictures dictating the company's goals. This is extremely beneficial to the company considering the edits will put them on a pedestal.

Since photo painting is available on apps which is downloadable, it is attainable through phones as well, which can be easily linked to social media. However, not anybody can practise photo painting. A certain amount of skill is required in that expertise.

  1. Digital Collage

Nosotros are all familiar with the concept of a collage considering we apply it in our day to mean solar day lives, when we tend to edit pictures or create memories. Withal, just every bit the definition of a normal collage goes, digital collage is slightly dissimilar.

This means that instead of putting several whole pictures together, different textures and ideas are taken from several sites and and so collaborated under one film.

Digital collage by willian santiago 1435476

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Digital collage is said to be present under the domain of photoshop which is a well-used edit feature, used by almost every business organisation to brand the picture more than appealing.

The process of digital collage is a complicated one and will crave particular skills to fulfill the criteria under its operation. Photoshop is accessible to anybody on your smartphones or whatsoever other device and is used at an alarming rate for updating content on social media sites. It has been widely used for manner blogging since it is such a profitable business at nowadays.

  1. 2D Digital Painting

Digital painting forms the crux of digital fine art correct now and is effectively one of the most skilful digital art forms of this era. Past this era, I meant the era of technologically advanced machines which come in handy in most all digital art operations. With the help of the estimator, 2nd art can exist undertaken professionally, using multiple features which it tin entail.

Haneen z asset

Prototype via Haneen Z

The cruciality of 2d digital painting for business propaganda and campaigns is reflected in the company'due south success in the long-run. second digital painting is basically digital painting on a plain surface with no added effects.

It is a very basic grade of digital painting which is required to be very catchy for visual too every bit creative satisfaction. 2D illustrations are imperative in a company'due south marketing process to proceeds publicity by putting the goals and aspiration out in the course of artistic representation.

second digital painting fulfills this need and is preferred over mitt-drawings which come with a lot of imperfections which may accept ages to re-do. 2d fine art is digitized and tin can exist altered with the app itself. For this purpose, all companies hire an exceptionally skilled group of digital artists who specialize in the creation of 2d digital art.

  1. 3D Digital Painting

Another imperative part of the digital painting domain is the 3D digital painting, a more than popularised version of 2D digital paintings.

This precisely implies that it contains features which are common with 2nd digital paintings, merely is a more specialized version which can likewise exist rendered. Basically, the 2D digital illustration forms a base on which the 3D digital painting is structured.

In the 3D digital paintings, extra effects can exist incorporated into the illustrations. This concept of digital art has been more popularized and widely used than the second digital painting model. It has been recorded that the 3D model of digital painting has a improve take chances of catching the middle of customers than the 2nd model, resulting in an increase in consumer traffic.

3d digital painting

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Consumer traffic is a profitable aspect of businesses because it puts the visitor on the radar where it is at par with other competing businesses in the market place.

Recently, at that place has been a spike in the job requirements for 3D digital artists. It is a highly specialized job that requires extraordinary training courses and skill adaptation to exist suited for the job.

The virtually successful companies have a special wing to incorporate 3D digital artists, who work very diligently to maintain the standards of the company by coming upwards with new designs and artistic ideas.

  1. Manual Vector Drawing

The term "vector" is used to refer to a certain format that allows images to be saved while still being available for usage within a painting. 'Bezier curves' is the French-based term used for representing the mathematical ground of vectors.

Vector painting includes shapes and lines that tin be represented in geometrical formulas. One tin can command their colors, shadows, transparency, groups, then on.

The size of transmission vector paintings can be converted from modest to large without compromising the quality and sharpness of the piece. These changes can exist done past simply entering the desired dimensions of the painting.

One advantage that comes with a manual vector painting is the artist can fix its resolution and size up to the printer'due south maximum potential of handling it.

Creating a manual vector painting requires simple shapes such every bit triangles, circles or squares. Another method is to create custom shapes with hands and make employ of provided tools to transform them.

Manual vector painting is different from raster art because one has to work on it the aforementioned way they would be working on a sculpture, hence, leaving aside chances of spontaneity or intuition. In other words, it is less unlikely for the creative person to exist able to express or impose his/her own characteristics into the art when working on a manual vector painting.

Even and then, his/her original choice of colors, composition, subject, etc, can still be observed past a knowledgeable audience.

  1. Integrated Art / Mixed Media and Hybrid Painting

The original significant of this term is a combination of more than i course of art, as well known as "interdisciplinary fine art", that is mostly used in learning environments to aid the audience grasp a concept better, or tin besides be for the sole purpose of entertainment.

The gist of integrated art in the digital world is to merge two or more media in order to achieve one single piece of art.

In this type of art, in that location is a lesser influence of restrictions when it comes to the digital surroundings rather than mediums which are conventional. The artist has immense command over how he/she wants the outcome to look like.

Mixed media and hybrid painting

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Following the concept of integrated fine art, a mixed media or hybrid painting is the outcome of using more than than one media or even multiple software on the same artwork. One popular sample of such fashion is a vector-raster hybrid painting. To reach a mixed media, the artist has to make employ of the shapes/lines from vector along with 1 brush style from raster.

The merit of using more than than one software helps increase the dissimilarity level every bit well as the sharpness of colors of vector. Yous tin can learn more near such graphic design programs here. The same benefit applies to the primary palette of raster too.

In many cases, Bezier curves can be used in the background to help smoothen shapes and lines of raster without involving the creative person's effort. By using this method to smoothen curves, information technology prevents any possible loss of resolution. The default storage format for this particular hybrid is raster.

  1. Raster Painting

Another very important domain of the forms of digital art is raster paintings. This is a form of digital painting which has been popularized because of its innate resemblance to that of a real hand painting. Since the other forms of digital fine art was giving out a rather virtual image of illustrations, deep downwardly, traditionality is always appreciated more than virtual illustration.

And so, to give it a more than aesthetic vibe, traditional forms of painting are converted to digital fine art where there are apps you get a castor to brand your ain painting online.

Information technology resembles an actual painting considering the drawing takes place in strokes. Given the features, non anybody can do raster paintings without having to know the fine art of using a brush in reality first, before applying it on the figurer.

To illustrate art in its raw grade digitally, raster paintings are the best manner to go near information technology. But other than this, information technology is non appropriate to go for this form of digital art on a professional basis. The diameter of the cosmos is very restrictive considering it is every bit low as 72 dots per inch.

In add-on to this, the image cannot be expanded. Corrections to the image is besides a very long and hard procedure which can exist fatal if certain targets have to exist met for the business organisation.

  1. Computer-Generated Painting

A computer-generated painting is an artwork in which the artist gives instructions to the calculator on how to "pigment" a desired piece. Proceed in listen that the term does not mean the computer creates a painting past itself.

The artist is still fully involved in many ways including planning the concept, field of study, color combination, etc.

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The same way a composer makes music without having to impact a musical musical instrument, the artist in computer-generated paintings also inserts multiple commands into the reckoner without the intervention of manus drawing.

The outcome of calculator-generated paintings are very similar to that of a raster. Besides that, the result that will announced on the finalized painting will exist a complete makeover.

This way of creating art is done without seeing the immediate results and having to work until the last instruction is given to see the effect. Therefore, i must be familiar with many instructions before generating i unforgettable masterpiece.


Some of these types are easy to take on while some need extra effort before you tin master them but learning most digital art is every bit fun as discovering what yous tin practise with a paintbrush in your hand.

All that is needed is to option i type of digital art, a flake of do with dedication, and then you tin create your own masterpiece in no time! That being said, we'll wrap then and hope to come across you lot again next time!

Happy Painting!


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